Step in Sean Richardson and Henry Hale – 2 fitness enthusiasts with a strong idea to create an apparel label connected to the growing sport of ‘Crossfit’. I’d only vaguely heard about it and hadn’t realised its popularity. Needless to say its a tough sport, and so are the people that do it. They wanted an edgy, tough brand that would appeal to the Crossfit crowd.

I decided to centre the initial round of ID designs around a strong sans-serif typeface and played with some letter transposing and flipping – mainly to create a more aggressive, no messing look:

The icon to support the logotype was tricky – the kettlebell that is used alot in Crossfit is almost too obvious to avoid, but an awkward shape that demands its own space. We decided that they worked better alone and would make a strong icon on the clothing range:

I came up with idea of the police line – a pretty simple extrapolation of the ‘Criminal’ idea. The 5 exercises I illustrated are very specific Crossfit moves, these form the central brand idea:

After extracting the kettlebell icon we went back into another round of designs and settled on the ‘Hoody’ character – it fitted in with the tougher, grittier image Sean and Henry wanted to achieve.